African Countries and Palestine Irrigation Systems Training Started

24.10.2019 / View : 82 / Archive

"Modern Irrigation Techniques, Plant-Soil-Water Relations" training organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Department of Training and Publication Department and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) started. 12 irrigation experts from Uganda, Palestine, Gambia, Sudan, Mozambique and Somali countries will participate in the training which will be held on 14 - 25 October 2019.


The opening program was held on Monday, October 14, 2019. Tahsin KURTBEYOĞLU, Söke District Governor; he started his speech by saying : Welcome to our country especially Aydın / Söke  the second time in this year for the Irrigation Systems training organized for African Countries. Also said, these traininigs have great importance in the progress of relationships between Turkey and African Countries and irrigation is important for all countries around the world. He mentioned about the institution's competence and efficiency on irrigation and ended his words by wishing  an affective and succesful training.


Islamic Development Bank Project Director Selçuk DAĞ, continued, said  irrigation is important for African countries and emphasised when the experts returned to they countries they must transform what they achieved from this training. Training Center Manager Lütfi ÖZENÇ stated in his speech; all kinds of facilities about irrigation including theorical  and practical trainings are open to the participants. The opening ceremony ended with the introduction of the participants and their countries' agricultural structures