‘Modern Irrigation Systems Training’ for African Countries has Ended.

7.11.2019 / View : 68 / Archive

 'The Modern Irrigation Techniques' training organized by  Ministery of Agriculture and Forestry Department of Training and Publication, Islamic Development Bank and Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) has ended.   Within the scope of the project supported by the Islamic Development Bank, 14 irrigation experts working in the Ministries of Agriculture of  Uganda, Djibouti, Palestine, Gambia, Sudan, Mozambique and Somalia   participated in the theoretical and practical training held on October 14-25, 2019.

The closing ceremony was held on Friday, 25th October. The ceremony was attended by Training Center Manager Lütfi ÖZENÇ, TİKA Representative Ali Kurt.

Speaking at the ceremony, the TIKA representative said; 'Take your greetings from us to your countries, do not cut off your contact with TIKA representative offices when you go there, we are always ready for the trainings you will need in the future. " Söke TAYEM Manager completed his words with saying  "We are very proud and happy to host you in our institution. We are ready to provide all kinds of training on agricultural issues." After the speeches, the participants were presented their certificates and plaques and sent off to their countries.